Michael Hawn: Ten Favorite Hymns on Psalm 23
In observance of the Good Shepherd Sunday, the fourth Sunday of the Easter season, Michael Hawn, professor emeritus of church music at Southern Methodist University, shares his ten favorite hymns on Psalm 23.
Good Shepherd Sunday
Many Christian traditions mark the fourth Sunday of Easter as Good Shepherd Sunday, centering worship around the compelling image of Jesus Christ as our Good Shepherd as found in John 10, and complementing that with reading or singing Psalm 23 and other texts that unfold the beauty and power of this image.
3 Songs of Lament and Hope / 3 Cantos de lamento y esperanza
Carlos Colón demonstrates and talks about three songs of lament and hope, as part of the series "Songs from the hymnal / Cantos del himnario 'Santo, Santo, Santo / Holy, Holy, Holy.'"
Palm Sunday: Another Advent
Noticing and celebrating Palm Sunday’s allusions to Advent can enrich your congregation’s understanding of Holy Week and how Palm Sunday reflects both Christ’s humble first coming and his glorious return.
The New Testament and the Public Witness of the Church
2020 Calvin Symposium on 91 | Workshop
Where Two or Three (Thousand) are Gathered: The Evolution and Influence of American Megachurch 91
2020 Calvin Symposium on 91 | Workshop
Autism and the Church's Mission
This session focused on how autistic individuals have been excluded from full participation in our faith communities and why the church’s mission is hindered by that exclusion. It ended with a discussion of concrete steps a church can take to become more welcoming and supportive of those with autism.
Preaching in the Power of the Spirit (with a Global-South Twist): Insights into the Spirit's Empowering of Hearers and Preachers of the Word
2020 Calvin Symposium on 91 | Seminar
Improvisational Preaching
2020 Calvin Symposium on 91 | Workshop
91 Symposium Speaks Hope and Grace
The theme of “Living in Hope and Grace,” based on 1 Peter, threaded through much of the three-day Calvin Symposium on 91 that drew some 1,500 participants Jan. 30 - Feb. 1 from across North America and beyond.
The Bible in Public 91 and Daily Life in an Age of Declining Biblical Literacy
2020 Symposium on 91 | Seminar
Come, Sculptor Spirit!: Inviting the Holy Spirit to Shape Christ in Us through Word, Image, and Song
2020 Symposium on 91 | Plenary Address