This series contains songs that can all be found in the hymnal, (GIA Publications, Inc., 2019). Carlos Colón served as a consultant, translator, and arranger for this hymnal. The following three songs are songs that lament and bring hope and are all based on Psalms.
Learn more about Santo, santo, santo / Holy, Holy, Holy.
1. "Me alegré con los que me decián / I Was Glad When They said to Me"
Santo, Santo, Santo: Cantos para el pueblo de Dios / Holy, Holy, Holy: Songs for the People of God #397
Text: Psalm 122:1-2, Carlos Colón
Tune: Carlos Colón
© 2011, GIA Publciations, Inc.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
2. "A River Flows through Babylon / En Babilonia hay rÃos"
Santo, Santo, Santo: Cantos para el pueblo de Dios / Holy, Holy, Holy: Songs for the People of God #372
Text: Adam M. L. Tice; tr. by MarÃa Eugenia Cornou and Carlos Colón
Tune: Carlos Colón
© 2019, GIA Publciations, Inc.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
3. "Al Señor clamé / I Am Crying Out to God"
Santo, Santo, Santo: Cantos para el pueblo de Dios / Holy, Holy, Holy: Songs for the People of God #591
Text: Based on Psalm 120 and 121; Carlos Colón; tr. by Greg Scheer; alt. by Martin Tel
Tune: Carlos Colón
© 2019, GIA Publciations, Inc.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.