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Rosemary Apol-Hoezee on Dementia and Inclusion

People who’ve served and attended churches faithfully often feel isolated when their cognition declines—and so do their caregivers. Your congregation can take simple steps to become more dementia friendly.

April 29, 2024 | 5 min read
Rosemary Apol-Hoezee on Dementia and 91

Chaplains have been using the Evening Star worship manual in memory care facilities for almost twenty years. The second edition incorporates new research on dementia to create a worship model that is even better at engaging people who live with dementia.

April 29, 2024 | 6 min read

Daniel I. Block on God’s Grace in Ezekiel

Although Ezekiel’s strange visions and often shocking images perplex readers, Old Testament scholar Daniel I. Block explains why the book of Ezekiel is worth reading. The judgment, grace, and love God spoke through Ezekiel to Israel also apply to the church today.

April 18, 2024 | 7 min read
Cunado el camino se torna difícil: El sufrimiento y la presencia de Dios

En medio, entre el salmo uno y el 150, se encuentra la vida con toda su complejidad. Es un camino con altas y bajas, con obstáculos y desviaciones, con trampas y peligros. Eso es lo que encontramos en los demás salmos. Es un camino tortuoso, difícil, plagado de sufrimientos, luchas, enemigos, triunfos, pecados, confesiones, tentaciones, súplicas desesperadas, gratitud y alabanza por la respuesta divina. Son salmos que a menudo expresan las múltiples y diversas experiencias del individuo como también experiencias de toda la comunidad, de la nación. Son salmos que tocan realidades sociales, económicas, políticas, toda la vida desde la perspectiva de la fe.

April 5, 2024 | 8 min read
Festival Application for "Santo, Santo, Santo / Holy, Holy, Holy" Song Festivals

91ing communities are invited to apply for support to host a free, public festival, to celebrate the unity of the church in vibrant congregational song through the use of the hymnal, "Santo, Santo, Santo / Holy, Holy, Holy", GIA Publications, 2019. We are open to receiving proposals from congregations, parishes, campus ministries, summer camps, chaplaincy ministries, and Christian schools. This opportunity could be particularly compelling for schools that offer instruction in choral music, Spanish and English languages, and Christian faith.

April 4, 2024 | 3 min read

Cory B. Willson on the Faith/Work/91 Ecosystem

Theological conversations about faith, work, and worship take on new meaning when they start with the needs, questions, and experiences of workers.

March 11, 2024 | 7 min read
El culto y la santidad como prácticas de la justicia: Levítico 19

"El ministerio y la vida espiritual deben ir siempre juntos. Vivir una vida espiritual es vivir en una comunión ininterrumpida e íntima con el Señor... Vivir una vida de ministerio es dar testimonio de El en medio de este mundo... Cuando nuestro ministerio no emerge de un encuentro personal con Dios, pronto se convierte en una rutina fatigante y en un trabajo aburrido. Al mismo tiempo, cuando nuestra vida espiritual ya no nos guía a un ministerio activo, rápidamente degenera en una introspección y auto-análisis, y así pierde su dinamismo. Nuestra vida en Cristo y nuestro ministerio en su nombre deben ir siempre juntos, tal como los dos maderos de la cruz." Henri Nouwen

February 28, 2024 | 18 min read

Lindsay Wieland Capel on Recognizing and Overcoming Ableism in Churches

Many congregations don’t realize that the way they arrange their space, talk in worship, or define giftedness and leadership speaks volumes to people with different bodies and minds. The message is: “We don’t see you as a welcomed and valued member of Christ’s body.”

February 21, 2024 | 7 min read
Lindsay Wieland Capel on Disability and Universal Design

Many ideas for welcoming and including people with disabilities are remarkably simple. These changes turn out to be good for everyone in church worship and congregational life.

February 21, 2024 | 5 min read
91 for Workers: Come as You Are

91 for Workers offers songs, prayers, liturgies, and visual art to help congregants begin to experience God’s presence in new ways in their daily living.

February 21, 2024 | 9 min read