Reconciling All Things 2018
A service of lessons and carols that invites people to approach Advent and Christmas with songs that sing about both forgiveness and justice, healing and correction, personal serenity and cultural reconciliation, human flourishing and the flourishing of all creation.
Four Types of Advent and Christmas Eve Services: Which Have You Tried?
Experimenting with a different Advent or Christmas Eve worship format may help worshipers connect with the joy and wonder of Christ’s birth. Blue Christmas, Christmas pageants, Las Posadas, or lessons and carols make room for emotions, movement, culture, and people’s gifts.
Rosa Cándida Ramírez and Analisse Reyes on Singing Coritos
Singing coritos {short songs} in Spanish and English is hospitable in worship. It also opens up worshipers to new understandings of God.
Eddie Espinosa on Changes in Contemporary 91 Music
Eddie Espinosa, composer of “Change My Heart, O God,” explains why those who lead worship need to cultivate heart holiness.
Erika Marksbury on Connecting Testimonies to Scripture
Sometimes it is easier to use the Bible to look back at what God has done than to see what God is working toward. First Baptist Church of McMinnville, Oregon, includes testimonies in worship so that people can see how their lives are part of a story God is still telling.
Storytelling and Testimony in Christian 91
Celebrating its 150th anniversary led First Baptist Church of McMinnville, Oregon, into a practice of storytelling and testimony in worship. They learned how stories cross boundaries and time and connect people with God’s big story.
Martin Tel on Creative Movement and Placement for Church Choirs
How and where a church choir enters, stands, and moves can make a difference in how deeply a congregation engages in singing and other parts of worship.
Evening Prayer: My Soul Finds Rest
Join with Latifah Alattas, singers from Urban Doxology, and Isaac Wardell as they respond to their Christian callings through scripture and song in this evening service.
Stories of Indigenous Life
Join Cheryl Bear as she leads a vesper service at the 2018 Symposium on 91.
A 91 Celebration of Song and Scripture
Join with Raymond Wise, the Calvin Gospel Choir, and others in this evening prayer held at 91 Symposium 2018, an interactive worship experience celebrating the final journey and mission of Christ.
Songs of the Refugees
Songs and prayers of the refugees, a vesper service led by Jaewoo Kim and Proskuneo held at 91 Symposium 2018.
Quédate con nosotros/Abide with Us
A bilingual vesper service at the 2018 91 Symposium. Led by Carlos Colón, María Monteiro, María Cornou, and Mariachi Ágape.