Liturgical Practices of Enslaved Africana People in the American Colonial Period As Witnessed in Select [En]slave[d] Narratives
This recording from the African American Religious Autobiographies Seminar, held in July 2022, presents an examination of enslaved narratives as a genre and primary source of the experiences of enslaved Africana people in the American context and presents select excerpts reflective of their theology and liturgical practice. Reverend Weaver joined us for a night of learning, presenting on her current historical research into the worship practices of early enslaved Americans.
Demythologizing Freedom and the Beloved Community: A Practical Theology
This Recording from the African American Religious Autobiographies Seminar, held in July 2022, highlights the psychological and spiritual profiles of key religious anti-racist figures from the 19th and 20th Century, using practical theology and psychohistory.
New 91 Songs for Climate Change and Creation Care
Our 2017 annotated list of worship songs about care for creation remains so popular that we have compiled a new list of worship songs to lament climate change and encourage creation care. Many of these songs and hymns have been released since 2018. Others are new to various English-speaking audiences because they come from international hymnals and organizations.
Nikki Toyama-Szeto on Hoping in God Despite Injustice
Individuals and congregations sometimes despair while working for justice. Sometimes they forget that although God invites us to join in justice work, God remains in charge of changing the world. That’s why it’s crucial for justice seekers to stay rooted in Christian community and worship.
David Lemley on Becoming What We Sing
David Lemley’s book "Becoming What We Sing: Formation through Contemporary 91 Music" recognizes that contemporary worship music [CWM] helps Christians around the world feel close to God. Lemley looks at whether or how CWM moves worshipers from adoration to participation in the mission of God’s church.
Facing Collective Shame to Tell the Whole Story
Jesus said, "You will know the truth, and truth will make you free [John 8:32]. Yes, truth will set us free—but only if it is the whole truth, the whole story. Honor-and-shame culture teaches us that there’s no story of honor if there’s no story of shame. You don’t bring honor to someone by erasing shame, but by bringing shame into the light.
Rebekah Eklund on Practicing Lament
Congregations become more relevant and biblical when they follow the Bible’s lead in bringing lament into worship. Rebekah Eklund’s book "Practicing Lament" shows churches, small groups, and individuals how to voice penitential lament and protesting lament. Learning to practice lament can reconnect people with God and help churches grow in “members of one body” solidarity.
Angela Williams Gorrell on the Gravity of Joy for Young People
Practical theologian Angela Williams Gorrell shares how experiencing life's challenges and sorrows is also an opportunity to share in its joy.
Sarah Farmer on Courageous Hope in Youth
Practical theologian Sarah F. Farmer offers four promising pathways for African American youth to strengthen capacity for hope infused with courage in the life of the church and community.
Carol Arend on the Art of Accompaniment
Accompanying people on their faith journey is an art that can be learned, according to Pope Francis. When St. Thomas More Catholic Community committed itself to the art of accompaniment, it learned principles that nearly any worship community can apply, Catholic or not.
Cultural Intelligence and Youth Ministry: Creating Safe Spaces for Questions and Community
A youth minister reflects on the necessity of cultural intelligence in ministry alongside youth in order to create safe spaces to ask questions, wrestle with biblical concepts, and hear thoughts from people different from them, all with the purpose of loving God and others better.
The 'Jazz' of 91 Planning
Convictions and suggestions for planning public Christian worship services that welcome and make room for all