All Sheep Need a Shepherd - Psalm 23, John 10
A service plan for Lent on the strong assurance found in the grace of God that comes to us in Jesus Christ, viewing Christ as the fulfillment of the Shepherd-love of Psalm 23. Part of a Lenten series focused on "Walking with God through Psalm 23."
With Every Good Thing Series - Morning Devotions - Hebrews 12
An order of worship planned around Hebrews 12, originally held at the Calvin Symposium on 91ÁÔÆæ. The fifth of a six-part series on the book of Hebrews from the 2008 Symposium on 91ÁÔÆæ. These services are designed to rejuvenate the vigor of the faithful by returning us to our first love: our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ.
With Every Good Thing Series - Witnessing Perfection - Hebrews 10
An order of worship planned around Hebrews 10, originally held at the Calvin Symposium on 91ÁÔÆæ. The third of a six-part series on the book of Hebrews from the 2008 Symposium on 91ÁÔÆæ. These services are designed to rejuvenate the vigor of the faithful by returning us to our first love: our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ.
Washed People - Romans 6, 1 Corinthians 6, HCLD 26-27
The third service plan in a Pentecost series, centered on the meaning of the sacrament of baptism and the importance of remembering this event.
With Every Good Thing Series - A Sacrifice of Praise - Hebrews 13
A communion worship service originally held at the Calvin Symposium on 91ÁÔÆæ, planned around Hebrews 13. The last of a six-part series on the book of Hebrews from the 2008 Symposium on 91ÁÔÆæ. These services are designed to rejuvenate the vigor of the faithful by returning us to our first love: our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ.
The Faith-Divide - John 3, HCLD 7
A service plan from Lord's Day 7 of the Heidelberg Catechism focused on the importance of true faith, which grafts us into Christ and provides all his benefits for us, part of a series on the Heidelberg Catechism. This service ends in celebration of the Lord's Supper.
With Every Good Thing Series - Approach with Boldness - Hebrews 4
An order of worship planned around Hebrews 4-5, originally held at the Calvin Symposium on 91ÁÔÆæ. The second of a six-part series on the book of Hebrews from the 2008 Symposium on 91ÁÔÆæ. These services are designed to rejuvenate the vigor of the faithful by returning us to our first love: our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ.
Who Comes to the Table - 1 Corinthians 10, HCLD 30
The sixth service plan in a Pentecost series. Last week's service included preparation to come to the Table; this week's service includes the celebration of the Lord's Supper.
With Every Good Thing Series - Yet at Present - Hebrews 2
An order of worship planned around Hebrews 2, originally held at the Calvin Symposium on 91ÁÔÆæ. The first of a six-part series on the book of Hebrews from the 2008 Symposium on 91ÁÔÆæ. These services are designed to rejuvenate the vigor of the faithful by returning us to our first love: our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ.
Christian Soul Food - John 6, HCLD 28
The fifth service plan in a Pentecost series including preparation for the Table. Just as we have a physical life that requires constant care and nourishment, so believers also have a "spiritual life and heavenly life" that requires nourishment.
With Every Good Thing Series - The Wonder of the Nature of Faith: David, Jesus and Hebrews 11
An order of worship planned around Hebrews 11, originally held at the Calvin Symposium on 91ÁÔÆæ. The fourth of a six-part series on the book of Hebrews from the 2008 Symposium on 91ÁÔÆæ. These services are designed to rejuvenate the vigor of the faithful by returning us to our first love: our wonderful Savior Jesus Christ.
Marked Children - Acts 16, 1 Corinthians 7, HCLD 27
The fourth service plan in a Pentecost series, concentrating specifically on baptism of infants.