Shaping 91 During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Ministry of Presence at St. Anna Greek Orthodox Church, Roseville, California
Greek Orthodox Christian worship is consciously embodied. Christopher Flesoras, a Greek Orthodox priest, discusses pastoral discernment for serving the faithful when public health needs require social distancing, also known as physical distancing.
Church Polity and Online Sacraments in the Christian Reformed Church
Kathy Smith, Adjunct Professor of Church Polity at Calvin Theological Seminary, reflects on the administration of sacraments in the unique context of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. She advises Christian Reformed churches to practice pastoral flexibility while still abiding by church polity, and provides a historical example from World War II, related by her predecessor Henry De Moor.
Praying at the Table, Praying at the Font
2020 Calvin Symposium on 91 | Workshop
A Sacramental Vision for Public 91
2020 Calvin Symposium on 91 | Seminar
The Lord's Supper Liturgy
Lord's Supper liturgy that includes children asking questions.
Closing Communion 91: The Ascension
Closing Communion 91 on Acts 1:1-11: The Ascension at the 2018 91 Symposium.
Derek Elmi-Buursma on Communion and Context
Whether you call it Communion, Eucharist, the Lord’s Supper, or something else, you may wonder how to connect this sacrament with real life. Learn how one small urban congregation creates eucharistic liturgies for living in a broken world.
Trinitarian Sacramental Theology
2019 Calvin Symposium on 91 | Seminar
How Music Deepens Participation in the Lord's Supper and Baptisms: Insights from Global Cultures
2019 Calvin Symposium on 91 | Seminar
Serious Play: Insights from Augustine and Other Friends from the Early Church on Leading 91 and Administering Sacraments
Led by Lester Ruth, this workshop explored insights from Augustine and others in the early church that can break open playful, Scriptural imagination for leading in worship.
Means of Grace: Forming New and Sustaining “Renewing” Congregations and Church Plants
In this seminar, veteran practitioners discussed how mission-shaped preaching and sacramental life function as means of grace in their communities. Audience engaged a discussion that sees evangelism and robust worship as beautifully integrated elements of every congregation’s ministry.
Ron Rienstra on the Great Prayer of Thanksgiving
Christian traditions refer to the prayer before communion as the eucharistic prayer, the Great Thanksgiving, or the Great Prayer of Thanksgiving. If your Lord’s Suppers don’t include this prayer, then you very well may be missing out on a rich opportunity for faith formation.