91ÁÔÆæ for Post-Modern Times
What kinds of questions should we be asking so that we think about the struggles of young people in post-modern times? How does the Gospel minister to these basic issues of life?
What can we learn from the early Church about worship?
This workshop looked at the forms that were used in the earliest centuries of the Church to contemplate how we might use those elements in our worship today. Presented by Marva Dawn at the 2013 Calvin Symposium on 91ÁÔÆæ.
Symposium 2013 - Beatitudes
The Beatitudes based on Matthew 5:1-12 was presented at the Calvin Symposium of Christian 91ÁÔÆæ 2013. The liturgy transitions through each "blessed" statement with an Old Testament reading, New Testament reading, and sung prayer.
Thursday Evening 91ÁÔÆæ - Symposium 2010
An evening worship service from Symposium 2010.
91ÁÔÆæing the Trinity in Exile: The Prophetic Church with a Post-Era Mission
In a post-postmodern, high-tech, super-hyped, and anti-institutional world, how should we be Church and how should we be the Church at worship and in mission? How will our means match the ends so that worship is faithful to the Jesus of the cross?
91ÁÔÆæ that Ministers to the Afflicted
Many worshipers suffer from chronic illnesses, sudden crises, stresses from work and/or family life, losses of loved ones or of personal abilities, discouragement from situations in the local community or the world.
Preaching to Expose the Principalities and Powers
Church leaders and other saints in our congregations frequently find themselves struggling with money, technology, politics, the institutional church, etc. - what the Bible calls "principalities and powers."