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Peter Choi
A Roundtable on Connecting Sunday’s 91 to Monday’s Work

Six pastors and scholars share ideas to help congregations authentically practice God’s vision of shalom in worship and at work.

August 23, 2016
Scholars Suggest How to Remember the Reformation

Seven scholars, pastors and musicians discuss how Protestants and Catholics can and should together observe the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017.

June 1, 2016

Preparing to Remember the Reformation

In 2017, churches around the world, both Protestant and Catholic, will mark the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. How we mark this milestone will say as much about us, and our own sense of identity, as it does about the events of five centuries ago.

March 22, 2016 | 40 min video
What Does World Christianity Mean for Your Church?

The remarkable story of Christianity's growth as a world religion has implications not only for mission work in the far corners of the globe but also for ministry in each local congregation.

March 4, 2016
The Promise and Peril of Preaching for Revival: Lessons from George Whitefield's Life and Ministry

Seasons of renewal are God's gift to the church. They are also occasions for controversy and division. Together we reflect on one of history's greatest revival preachers to understand not only how revivals come but what follows in their aftermath.

March 3, 2016