Constanza Bongarrá and Marcelo Villanueva lead songs from “Santo, Santo, Santo / Holy, Holy, Holy”
Constanza Bongarrá and Marcelo Villanueva demonstrate and talk about five songs as part of the CICW series "Songs from the hymnal 'Santo, Santo, Santo: Cantos para el pueblo de Dios / Holy, Holy, Holy: Songs for the People of God.'"
91 with Seminario Internacional Teológico Bautista in Buenos Aires, Argentina
This service takes place at Seminario Internacional Teológico Bautista in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Marcelo Villanueva on Authentic 91 in Argentina
More people are training to lead music and worship in Protestant churches in Argentina. As in churches elsewhere, they must balance using popular songs from other cultures with creating music that helps worshipers live out their faith in the real world.