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Jorge Lockward

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Jorge Lockward
Bilingual Choral Music: A Conversation with Jorge Lockward

Jorge Lockward, director of the New York-based ecumenical chorale Cántico Nuevo and minister of worship arts at the Church of the Village, shares practical tips on how to dress up a piano part to better capture the style and spirit of Latin and South American choral music.

February 9, 2022 | 41 min video
Bilingual Choral Music: A Webinar Series

Pearl Shangkuan, professor of music and director of choral activities at Calvin University and co-editor of the 91ÁÔÆæ Choral Music Series with GIA Publications, talks with Latin American music experts Maria Guinand, Jorge Lockward, and Marcell Silva Steuernagel about best practices for teaching and performing Latin and South American choral music.

February 9, 2022 | 53 min video

Journeying to the Light: A Pilgrimage of Prayer and Praise

An evening worship service from the 2015 Calvin Symposium on 91ÁÔÆæ focusing on Psalms 15-24.

March 12, 2015 | 103 min video

91ÁÔÆæ and Discipleship: Unresolved Questions in Contemporary Ministry

This workshop features candid, wide-ranging discussions about the most important themes that worshiping communities may need to address in the next 10 years.

February 26, 2015
Global Perspectives on 91ÁÔÆæ

In this Symposium session, we explore cultural and liturgical issues our brothers and sisters are addressing, especially in Africa and Asia - for example, intergenerational and multicultural worship; use of indigenous songs, instruments, and dance; use of technology; challenges of religious pluralism. We explore how God is building his church in ways that move us all closer to the unity we have in Christ even as we celebrate the gifts of cultural diversity.

January 1, 2006