Singing for Life: Stories of the Transformative Power of Music in Prison
The Handlon Tabernacle Choir began in 2016 and has grown to more than forty students from the Calvin Prison Initiative at Handlon Correctional Facility in Ionia, Michigan. Originally started to provide music for the program’s special events, the choir has become an opportunity for students to develop their musical skills and explore what it means to find new life in community. This presentation will include stories and reflections from members of the choir and the choir director about the impact of music in prison.
91 Behind Bars: How Liturgical Practices Can Change a Prison
2020 Calvin Symposium on 91 | Seminar
Advocating for Justice that Restores: An Interview
2020 Calvin Symposium on 91 | Workshop
The Church Behind Bars
This session explores the growth of the church behind bars in several Michigan prisons and in Angola Prison in Louisiana.
God's Generosity
An evening worship service from the 2015 Calvin Symposium on 91 led by Denise Kingdom Grier, preaching, 2 Corinthians 9:6-15
It's More Than a Ramp
In recent years, there has been a spate of theological work on persons with disabilities . Important questions abound: What do we mean by “disability”?
The Church as Community
A panel of Calvin College students addressed what Christian community means to them, how it relates to the church, why it matters in the world, and how they may think differently about the church and Christian community than previous generations. They also reflected on the significance of worship in terms of establishing and maintaining Christian community both within and beyond the church’s walls. Presented by Todd Cioffi and panel at the 2013 Calvin Symposium on 91.
Emerging Adults, Emerging 91
We are currently observing a new phenomenon within the development of young adults: emerging adulthood, which spans the ages of 18 to 29, marked by unprecedented options for education, work and career choices, delayed marriage and family life, and remarkable geographic mobility.
Todd Cioffi on Congregational and Ministry Studies
Todd Cioffi, professor of Congregational and Ministry Studies at Calvin College, explains why word of mouth brings students to this new department.
Symposium 2011 - Parachurch vs. Church: A False Dichotomy
How should we think about the relationship between the local church and parachurch ministries, especially in regard to worship practices? These and other questions will be considered by a panel of scholars and parachurch leaders.