Psalm 18: Zaboor 18
This setting of Psalm 18 was submitted by Emily R. Brink and Eric Sarwar, who prepared an English translation of the most loved psalm from the Punjabi Zaboor - Punjabi Psalter - of 1908 [Punjab is an area encompassing both eastern Pakistan and northern India]. The responsorial structure includes a refrain [v. 1] and 3 stanzas [vs. 16–19] in both the original Punjabi and in English translation.
How Music Deepens Participation in the Lord's Supper and Baptisms: Insights from Global Cultures
2019 Calvin Symposium on 91 | Seminar
Psalms and Islam: Reimagining Interfaith Friendship in an Islamic Context
2019 Calvin Symposium on 91 | Workshop
Psalms of Lament and Hope from the North Indian Sub-Continent
2019 Calvin Symposium on 91 | Vesper
Singing Psalms and the Lord’s Prayer: Lily Constantine Kakish and Eric Sarwar
Lily Constantine Kakish and Eric Sarwar share their stories of how they have witnessed the identity-shaping impact of singing Psalms and the Lord's Prayer in the Arabic language and tune.
Journeying to the Light: A Pilgrimage of Prayer and Praise
An evening worship service from the 2015 Calvin Symposium on 91 focusing on Psalms 15-24.
What North American Churches Can Learn from the Church in Pakistan
Join this conversation between Eric Sarwar, a Presbyterian pastor from Pakistan, and Emily Brink, 91 Institute staff member, about how Pakistani worship practices can bless and inform the Christian church in North America.
Music in Culture, Music in 91: Different Roles and Goals
Someone on social media recently sent out a photo of two young boys lost in worship. This photo reminded me of John Calvin’s famous words, “My heart I offer to you Lord, promptly and sincerely.”
Celebrating Christmas in Pakistan
The month of December brings joyful tidings across the world as more than two billion people anticipate celebrating the birth of Christ on December 25 although the Orthodox churches celebrate 12 days later.
He is King: Psalm 24
A teaching video on singing Punjabi Zabor 24
People of the Book: Showing Respect for the Bible
Many cultural practices in North America astonish non-Western worshipers. One of the most striking is how the Bible is handled.
Fasting: A cross-cultural perspective on the season of Lent
The Season of Lent brings to mind the historical practice of fasting, of “giving up” something in order to “take up” something else.