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Dale Cooper

Coop's Column - Jesus Yes-Church Yes!

In the Western hemisphere, especially in Europe and considerable sections of North America, vigorous contempt toward and sleepy disregard of the Christian church are widespread and increasing at an ever-accelerating rate.

August 23, 2010
Coop's Column - Simply Fellow Strugglers

My years as chaplain among college students have convinced me that many young people suffer from what I call the "immortality virus": "Death-accidents, illness, and weakness, too-can, and sometimes do, happen to others. But it won't -read: cannot- happen to me." Or so they foolishly imagine.

August 16, 2010

Coop's Column - There I Have Pledged to Set My Foot, Too

"Being alive is very difficult. Human beings are very complicated. I know. I've spent my whole life being one, and I still can't totally figure it out." So commented one elderly gentleman as he looked back over the seemingly haphazard trajectory of his life's course of events.

July 26, 2010
Coop's Column - Introduction

In this column I hope to explore each week a facet of corporate Christian worship - that is, what do Christians do together when they congregate on Sunday morning before God's face?

July 26, 2010

Tending the Heart: Soul Care for 91ÁÔÆæ Leaders

It is all too easy for worship leaders--preachers and musicians alike-to--slip into "mere professionalism." When that happens, we settle into dull habit, holy things no longer stir our soul, and God becomes distant and even abstract? This session examined that spiritual danger and suggested some practices to "guard our souls."

March 22, 2010