The music for this worship service comes from , a new ecumenical hymnal that pulls together songs from historic African American traditions and denominations.
Opening Greeting
Scripture Reading: Psalm 150
Songs: 16 “Total Praise”
67 “Holy One, We 91 Thee”
Prayer of Response
Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:7–12
(choral anthem based on Romans 8 by Mary Louise Bringle & Sally Ann Morris)
473 “Be Still, God Will Fight Your Battle
455 “Beams of Heaven”
Prayer of Response
Scripture Reading: Luke 15:11–32
Songs: 418 “I Am Redeemed”
238 “Jesus, You Brought Me All the Way”
(choral anthem arr. by Kenneth W. Louis)
Prayer of Response
Scripture Reading: Romans 5:1–5
Songs: 121 “I Will Make the Darkness Light”
113 “The Solid Rock”
108 “It Is Well with My Soul” (choral anthem arr. by James Biery)
Prayer of Response
Sung Blessing: 472 “Let the Church Say, ‘Amen’”
Leaders: James Abbington; Doug Brouwer; Choir, Liturgical Movement, and Scripture Arts Teams;Norma de Waal Malefyt; Duane Kelderman; Eron Lauchie; Hannah Barker Nickolay; Jackson Nickolay; Debra Perry; Lisa Sung; Kathleen Turner; and Lisa Weaver.