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Carrie Steenwyk

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Carrie Steenwyk

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하나님의 식탁 / At God's Table

By: María Eugenia Cornou, Joel Schoon-Tanis, Carrie Steenwyk, John D. Witvliet

At God's Table is a Korean-English children's book that explores the richly symbolic practice of the Lord's Supper in Christian worshiping communities.

En la mesa de Dios / At God's Table

By: María Eugenia Cornou, Joel Schoon-Tanis, Carrie Steenwyk, John D. Witvliet

En la mesa de Dios / At God's Table is a Spanish-English children's book that explores the richly symbolic practice of the Lord's Supper in Christian worshiping communities.

The 91 Sourcebook, Second Edition

By: John D. Witvliet, Emily R. Brink, Carrie Steenwyk

A comprehensive guide to planning worship, The 91 Sourcebook, 2nd edition, offers a collection of calls to worship, prayers of confession, and other spoken prayers and litanies.

Walking Where Jesus Walked

By: John D. Witvliet, Lester Ruth, Carrie Steenwyk

The Church at 91 is a series of documentary case studies of specific worshiping communities from around the world and throughout Christian history. This first book is set in Jerusalem following history, people, and worship practices.