Theme of the Service
Scripture Suggestions for Preaching and Reflection
Psalm 23 The Lord is our shepherd
Psalm 27:1 God is our light and salvation
Psalm 46 God is our refuge and strength;
God makes wars to cease to the ends of the earth.
Psalm 85:7-13 The Lord promises peace to the Lord’s people
Psalm 121 Our help is in the name of the Lord
Psalm 147 God’s delight is not in strength but in those who fear God
Isaiah 2:2-5 The promise that one day swords will be made into ploughshares,
and no one will train for war anymore
Isaiah 9:1-7 The promise of a Prince of Peace
Isaiah 11:1-9 The peaceable kingdom
Isaiah 35:1-10 A vision of restoration and joy for the redeemed
Isaiah 55:1-13 A vision of restoration and peace
Isaiah 65:17-25 The new heavens and the new earth
Micah 4:1-5 The vision of the day when swords will be made into plowshares,
and no one will train for war anymore
Zechariah 9:9-10 A vision of peace with no need for war
Matthew 5:1-12 Blessed are the peacemakers
Matthew 5:43-45 The command to pray for our enemies
Matthew 22:34-40 The command to love God and neighbor
Mark 12:28-34 The command to love God and neighbor
Luke 1:76-79 Jesus came to guide our feet in the path of peace
Luke 6:27-35 The command to love our enemies
Luke 10:25-37 The Good Samaritan
John 14:23-27 Jesus leaves his peace with us
Romans 8:18-27 All of creation groans for restoration
Romans 12:14-13:7 Live at peace with everyone; the role of government
Romans 14:19-15:7 Make every effort to do what leads to peace
Ephesians 2:14-18 Christ brings peace, reconciling the nations and breaking down barriers
Ephesians 6:10-18 The armor of God; our struggle is not against flesh and blood
Philippians 4:5-9 Do not be anxious about anything; the God of peace will be with us
Hebrews 12:14-15 Make every effort to live in peace
James 3:13-18 Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness
Revelation 1:4 Grace and peace from Jesus, the ruler of the kings of the earth
Revelation 21:1-5 The new heaven and the new earth, with no more death or mourning
Rev. 21:22-22:5 The future kingdom of God with a tree of life whose leaves are for the
healing of the nations
Psalter Hymnal
In the Day of Need 20
The LORD God Is My Light and My Salvation 27
God Is Our Refuge and Our Strength 46
Hail to the LORD’s Anointed 72
LORD, You Have Lavished on Your Land 85
The LORD Bless You and Keep You 156
O God, Our Help in Ages Past 170
Comfort, Comfort Now My People 194
The Day Is Coming—God Has Promised 203
Glory to God/Ere zij God 214
All Glory Be to God on High 247
Lord, We Cry to You for Help 261
Savior, Again to Your Dear Name We Raise 319
Forth in the Peace of Christ We Go 323
Crown Him with Many Crowns 410
Abide with Me 442
When Peace like a River 489
Precious Lord, Take My Hand 493
How Firm a Foundation 500
Hope of the World 524
O Christians, Haste 525
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace 545
Lead On, O King Eternal 555
Like a River Glorious 560
Praise to God in the Highest! 595
The City Is Alive, O God 597
God of All Ages, Whose Almighty Hand 599
Christ Is the World’s True Light 600
Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life 602
O God of Every Nation 606
O God of Love, O King of Peace 608
Hear Our Prayer, O Lord 624
Sing! A New Creation
Psalm 122: I Rejoiced When I Heard Them Say 7
Gather Us In 8
Psalm 95: Come, 91 God 25
Psalm 146: Louez le Seigneur/Praise, Praise, Praise the Lord 28
O Praise the Gracious Power 35
Children from Your Vast Creation 58
View the Present Through the Promise 90
Awake! Awake and Greet the New Morn 91
Come, Lord Jesus 103
Soon and Very Soon 106
Gloria/Glory 116
Blest Are They 122
Bring Forth The Kingdom 123
Psalm 31: My Times Are in Your Hands 131
Christ Is Risen 147
Psalm 16: Protect Me, God 155
My Only Comfort 176
Psalm 46: God, Our Help and Constant Refuge 183
Don’na Tokidemo/Anytime and Anywhere 188
The Lord Is My Light 192
Our Father in Heaven 196
Lord, Make Us Servants 204
Healer of Our Every Ill 205
The Lord Is My Light 206
We Pray for Peace 207
Ososo/Come Now, O Prince of Peace 209
Canto de esperanza/Song of Hope 282
Now Go in Peace 289