Course Syllabus
1. Description
This is a historically- and theologically-informed course on Christian congregational song, ranging from Old Testament psalms to contemporary praise-worship songs, from traditional Western hymnody to global worship songs, with some attention to cultural context and practica. Course requirements include readings, tests, seminar presentations, reports on hymn recordings & visits to churches, as well as practical assignments.
2. Objectives
This course entails:
a) acquiring an understanding of the history of Christian hymnody
b) acquiring an understanding of the theology of hymn texts and characteristics of hymn tunes
c) basic exposure to aesthetics of hymnody, esp. on matching of text and tune, and performance
d) gaining an appreciation for the diverse functions of hymnody in Christian life & worship
e) perspectival application of a Christian worldview to issues in hymnology
f) skill development of library & field research on hymnody
g) learning a pedagogy for teaching hymnody
h) developing competence in use of hymnals, worship songbooks, and hymnal handbooks
i) singing many hymns from various traditions and styles
3. Textbooks and Resources
a) Students must obtain the following 3 textbooks:
Psalter Hymnal—any of its music editions (Grand Rapids, MI: CRC Publications, 1987)
Psalter Hymnal Handbook, edited by Emily Brink & Bert Polman (Grand Rapids, MI: CRC Publications, 1998)
—leader’s edition (Grand Rapids, MI: CRC Publications, 2002)
b) Students are required to study the following additional materials [on reserve in the library]:
i) 1 of the following 4 books on psalms:
Bernhard W. Anderson: Out of the Depths: the Psalms Speak for Us Today(1974/1983/2000) BS 1430.5 .A53
Walter Brueggemann: The Message of the Psalms: a Theological Commentary(1984) BS 1430.3 .B78
John H. Hayes: Understanding the Psalms (1976) BS 1430.2 .H35
Tremper Longman III: How to Read the Psalms (1988) BS 1430.2 .L66
ii) S. Paul Schilling: The Faith We Sing (1983) BV 310 .S34
iii) James R. Sydnor: Hymns, a Congregational Study—both student and teacher’s editions (1983) ML 3001 .S92 H95
4. Course Requirements
You are expected to attend classes regularly and participate in class discussions and singing; textbook readings and reading of other material should be done prior to the next class or week as assigned.
A) submit two (2) listening reports on 2 different recordings of hymns; each recording is to be at least 50 minutes in length. These listening reports should be submitted via e-mail; include the following in each report:
Hymnology Listening Report by (your name) Date:
i) Name of the recording(s) and primary performers/accompanist/conductor/ arranger, manufacturer’s label & catalogue number, and date, in proper discographical format
ii) Give some historical information about the contents of the materials to which you listened, with reference to four (4) specific authors and/or composers of your choice, with information from a hymnal handbook (or a more general historical essay about the genre represented on this recording if the authors/composers are anonymous). Write approx. 50 words for each of the historical persons or 200 words for a historical essay.
iii) Explain, describe, and/or comment on three (3) texts of your choice (but different from those treated in ii ), from the materials on this recording [approx. 50 words for each of the three texts].
iv) Explain, describe, and/or comment on three (3) musical settings and/or performance features, chosen from the materials on this recording (but different from those treated in iiand in iii ) [approx. 50 words for each of the three musical comments].
Identify any hymnology source(s)—such as hymnal handbook(s) in endnotes, using proper bibliographic citations.
B) write a hymn text: a metrical paraphrase of a Scripture text or a new hymn text; your verse should consist of 12 or more lines (divided over 3 or more stanzas), should involve rhyme, should follow one of the more commonly-used meters (so that it can be sung to a familiar hymn tune), and must be submitted by e-mail before 5 p.m on the due date. There will be opportunity to do revisions. The average between the original mark and that of any revision will become the final mark for this project. The best texts will be sung in class.
C) make one (1) class presentation on one of the topics identified with an asterisk (*) in the course schedule (see below, #6, on pp. 6-7). This presentation is to be done with Powerpoint. You are to prepare an outline for the class [or use the slides-handout generated by Powerpoint], with suitable source materials documented in a biblio; photocopy at your own expense for the class. The topics will be chosen during the first week of classes, and will ordinarily be presented on the date assigned in the course schedule. You will need to use the full class period [50 minutes] in a combination of presenting your information, any class discussion, and singing appropriate selections. Make your own arrangements for any accompanist that may be needed.
D) complete one diary project containing three (3) written reports on church visits:
i. You are to visit at three (3) different church services throughout the semester, and reflect on their use of “psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs” according to the following four (4) categories:
a) the suitability of their choices for that service and season of the church year
b) the liturgical or other function(s) of their songs in the service
c) the quality of their texts and tunes as worship songs
d) the quality of the actual performance of their worship songs
ii. These reports may not be on a campus event, e.g., a chapel service or a “LOFT” service.
These reports should be on a variety of denominational traditions, including Roman Catholic, and mainline & evangelical Protestant, but not the Eastern Orthodox nor sects/cults. The intent is that you experience hymnody in a church context other than your own, and that you experience a variety of such contexts beyond your comfort zone.
iii. Word-process your reflection (with specific relevant details such as topic of service, authors/composers of songs, and attach church bulletin) in approx. 100 words for each report.
E) write a comprehensive final exam, for which you may use the Psalter Hymnal andSing! A New Creation, but not any hymnal handbook(s).
5. Evaluation
The final grade for this course will be composed of the following:
2 listening reports 10%
3 church reports 15%
hymn text writing 15%
seminar presentation 30%
final exam 30%
Late assignments will lose 5% per day (not counting Sundays). Failure to do at least two of the church reports, or the class presentation, or to write the final exam results in an automatic failure for the entire course; the only exception to this rule is in cases of medically-verified illness or emergency/death in the family with verification from the Student Life Dept.
6. Course Outline
Readings in the Psalter Hymnal Handbook [PsHH], the leader’s edition of Sing! A New Creation [Sing!], and the other sources [all given in the RH column] are to be done prior to class time.
Unit 1: Texts
Session 1 Orientation to the course
Session 2 Intro to terminology, hymnals, & hymnal handbooks
Session 3 Introduction to literary and musical features of hymns
read any of the Psalm books; also PsHH 14-27
Session 4 Introduction to the Biblical psalms and psalmody
Session 5 Psalms of lament
Session 6 Psalms of praise/thanksgiving
Session 7 Hymnic psalms
[1st listening report is due]
Session 8 Other types of psalms
Session 9 Hymn texts about God and the Trinity Faith We Sing [1st half]
Hymn texts about creation and providence
Session 10 Hymn texts about Jesus Christ and redemption
[1st church report is due]
Session 11 Hymn texts about the Holy Spirit; the Word of God
Session 12 Hymn texts about worship and the sacraments
Faith We Sing [2nd half]
Session 13 Hymn texts about the church’s mission/ministries
[2nd listening report is due]
Session 14 Hymn texts about living in the world
Hymn texts about the life to come
Unit 2: Traditional Hymnody
Session 15 Guest
PsHH 55-66
Session 16 Canticles & early Christian hymns
Session 17 Greek, and Latin hymns
Session 18 * Lutheran hymns
PsHH 28-54, 67-72
Session 19 * Calvinist and English psalms
Session 20 * Pietist & Moravian hymns
Session 21 * Isaac Watts
PsHH 73-77
Session 22 * John & Charles Wesley
[2nd church report is due]
Session 23 * The Olney Hymns & later 18th c. British developments
PsHH 77-82
Session 24 * Hymns surrounding the Oxford Movement
Session 25 * Hymns Ancient & Modern & Victorian hymnody
Session 26 * The English Hymnal, and Welsh hymns
PsHH 82-87
Session 27 * Early American hymnody & Lowell Mason
[your hymntext is due]
Session 28 * White gospel hymns and songs
Session 29 * Black spirituals & gospel songs
PsHH 87-89
Session 30 * Southern folk hymns
Unit 3: Contemporary Developments
Session 31 Modern psalmody: Dr. Emily Brink
Sing! 408-411
Session 32 Global hymnody
Sing! 412-418, 424-437
Session 33 Recent British & American hymnody
[your revised hymntext is due]
Session 34 Mini hymns, Scripture choruses, Taizé music
Sing! 418-423
Praise-worship songs
[3rd church report is due]
Session 35 Singing of student hymn texts
Session 36 Language issues in psalms/hymns
Sydnor booklets
Session 37 Psalms/hymns for the church year; hymn concertati & hymn anthems;
Hymns in church education; management of hymns
Course evaluation, preview of final exam